Report information

  • Author: Hans Jakob
  • When : Januar 2022
  • Where : Rehema Goma Hospital

INTERPLAST-Scholarship recipients in Goma

Education brings progress and ultimately prosperity to a country like Congo, in which hardly any Western country invests. Half of the population is under the age of 15 and hardly any young people have a chance of paid work given the immense unemployment in the cities.
The few universities charge between $1000 and $2000 in fees per year, which hardly any family can afford. For example, there are hardly any medical specialists in Congo because the universities charge $2,200 per year for the 5-year training - an additional $1,000 to study for $6,000 to $12,000.
Interplast-Germany has set itself the task of financing the studies of poor but particularly committed students in their own country and thus contributing to the specialization of medical doctors in certain areas. This is to be understood as a call for the financing of a student in the Congo!

An overview of those supported so far:

Dr. Christophe Kimona

Dr. Christophe Kimona, 52, director and surgeon of the REHEMA-Centre Medical in Goma, 3 months hospitation 2017 in plastic surgery with Prof. Horch in Erlangen, financed by him and his Rotary Club Nuremberg

Gabriel Mohimba was our driver in Goma and wanted to become a health officer in the health department. His studies from 2017 to 2021 were financed. He is now active in the Covid-19 fight in Kivu North Province.

Gabriel Mohimba

Dr. Harmonie Mitila
Dr. Emilie Amisi
Dr. Joee Maezevaka

Dr. Harmonie Mitila from Kinshasa, Dr. Emilie Amisi from Bukavu, and Dr. Joee Maezevaka from Madagascar assisted the Interplast teams and want to become plastic surgeons. The B.Braun Foundation funded the 2017-2022 training with a total of €30,000.

The "Power Boys", 7 polio paralyzed students with splints and crutches Riziki, Barutty, Baraka, David, Tresor, Jean Claude and later Elisha wanted to study. They got laptops and rickshaws to drive cabs in 2017, a house to rent, and tuition paid with about $50,000. They will work as lawyers, orthopedic assistants, customs officers, health officers, shoemakers, development workers, and economic officers from 2022.

Jean Claude

Hilaire Mulondwa

Hilaire Mulondwa got his architecture studies in Beijing 2017 to 2021 partially funded because he made many good designs for REHEMA Hospital and supervised its construction.

Dr. Eric Kitoga organized the patients for 5 Interplast teams in Goma so far and will take over this position for future teams as well. He also always asks for medicines like chemotherapy, antibiotics and painkillers for the patients in Goma, which we pay for there.

Dr. Eric Kitoga

Dr. Ephraim Zibona

Dr. Ephraim Zibona trained as a laboratory physician for REHEMA Hospital in 2021. He is the head of medicine and pediatrics and with his ideas he is the most important physician involved in the construction of the hospital.

Dr. Vote'Lwango was funded to train as an X-ray and ultrasound specialist at the new REHEMA Hospital in 2021 and will head that department in the future.

Dr. Vote´Lwango

Messager Muhindo

Messager Muhindo in Butembo ist Studenten-Sprecher, musste aber sein Medizinstudium 2021 aus finanzieller Not abbrechen. Ein Antrag bei der B. Braun-Stiftung ermöglicht ihm jedoch, es zu Ende zu führen.

Elisha Mulumbi is paralyzed and lives far away from the university in Goma. He has been getting his university fees paid since 2020 and a cab for $2,000 in 2021 to earn a living.

Elisha Mulumbi

Dr. Justin Avris

Dr. Justin Avris in Bukavu wants to become a plastic surgeon and has been receiving funding for his training to do so at Panzi Hospital in Bukavu since 2020.

David Olivares, polio paralyzed and orthopedic nurse, wants to become an orthopedic surgeon and has already been collecting patients for prosthetic legs, splints, wheelchairs, and special shoes that we finance since 2019. He will study medicine in Goma until 2026.

David Olivares


Previous Op nurses Colette, Solange and Christina were financially supported for follow-up treatments and with medications and surgeries for their loved ones.

Gottfried Lemperle, Frankfurt